Guan Yin / Kuan Yin- short for for Kuan-shi Yin, meaning "Observing the Sounds, or Cries of the human World".
In Chinese Buddhism, Guan Yin is synonymous with the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the pinnacle of mercy, compassion, kindness and love. (Bodhisattva- being of bodhi or enlightenment, one who has earned to leave the world of suffering and is destined to become a Buddha, but has forgone the bliss of nirvana with a vow to save all children of god.
A simple and beautiful addition and energy to your altar, your life. A reminder to hold compassion for all; even those who have wronged you. Bring Kuan Yin into your life to help you recognize the suffering of others and to be empathetic and compassionate, to hold space for them on their journey.